Lambda Chapter of Kappa Sigma 

News and Information

Attendee List

Bob Archer
Ted Ballard
Joe Broome
Jerry Cook
Al Cruze
Jim Edwards
Clint Eskew
Ray Franconi
Jim Giffen
Richard Gossett
Leeby Greenblat
Tom Hughes
William Johnson  '45
Jim Jamison
Jack Johnson
Brice Jordan
Dick Kelso
Robb Kidd
Richard Leatherwood
Sam Marcy
John Mcinturff
Leonard McKeehan
Bill Potter
Joe Pryor
Bill Quillen
Chuck Richardson
Terry Smith
Bill Stokely III
Bill Stokely IV
Clay Stokely
John Sullivan
Jim Suttle
Steve Sawrie
Dick Thompson
Jim Thompson
Joe Thoresen
Jim Van Eynde
David Waldrop
Jerry Walker
Edward Wilson

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